Walking Hand in Hand: High5for48 Virtual Walk for Sunshine Association
In the warm embrace of community and compassion, we celebrate the 48th anniversary of the Sunshine Association with a heartfelt initiative: the High5for48 Virtual Walk. This endeavour is not just a walk; it’s a stride towards support, understanding, and empowerment for children with disabilities and their families. The story of Sunshine Association began in 1976, …
Walking Hand in Hand: High5for48 Virtual Walk for Sunshine Association Read More »
Identifying and understanding Cerebral Palsy in young children
As a species, we humans tend to fear what we don’t know or understand, and so although Cerebral Palsy (CP) is one of the most common motor disabilities in children, it remains largely misunderstood by many. If we simply look at the disorder name: Cerebral – something that involves the brain Palsy – a weakness …
Identifying and understanding Cerebral Palsy in young children Read More »
45 Years of Smiles – Celebrate with Sunshine this Spring
Sunshine Association has been giving hope to children with disabilities, and to their families, since 1976. We started with just six children – a band of mothers who joined hands to help each other face the uncertainty of raising children with special needs. 45 years later, the initiative has grown to accommodate 150 children with …
45 Years of Smiles – Celebrate with Sunshine this Spring Read More »
Affordable, immune-boosting foods for your child
Boosting your child’s immune system is essential for helping their bodies fight illnesses like colds and flu, but also for protection against the coronavirus. One of the best ways to do this is including affordable ingredients and superfoods in their diet. Oranges Oranges are loaded with vitamin C and also contain phytonutrients that have strong …
Affordable, immune-boosting foods for your child Read More »
Developing basic life skills during lockdown
Basic life skills are fundamental for living at least a semi-independent life. The lockdown period presents the opportunity for parents to spend more time developing basic skills such as washing hands, brushing teeth and making a sandwich with their children. Children with developmental delays learn differently from typical children because they may have sensory or …
Covid-19: All you need to know about caring for your child with special needs
Caring for children with special needs is very hands-on, which makes practicing social distancing difficult for caregivers and parents. With many schools being closed, here’s how you can reduce your child’s risk of contracting the coronavirus (COVID-19). COVID-19 spreads very quickly through: The air, after coughing or sneezing Close personal contact, such as when shaking …
Covid-19: All you need to know about caring for your child with special needs Read More »
Caring for children with special needs
Parents or guardians can become overwhelmed or disillusioned when faced with challenges in their child’s behavioural development. Here are a few care guidelines that can help benefit both parent and child. Make time for family bonding A busy lifestyle might determine the time spent together as a family, but it is essential for parents of …
Five things to know about cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is the leading cause of physical disability in childhood worldwide, while it is estimated that over 17 million people around the world are affected. What is it? CP is the term used to describe a group of conditions that affect movement, balance or posture, which is caused by damage to parts of …
At some point in your child’s schooling career, they’ll have a classmate with a disability. While physical disabilities are obvious to children, it’s the less apparent impairments or disabilities that make things a challenge when explaining to your child why their class mate may seem a little different. Much about how our children treat their …
Morena Sehloboko’s Tail of Truimph
Morena Sehloboko is our Sunshine Superstar of the month. His is a tale of triumph – and we are so proud of him!
Lwandle’s perseverance pays off
Our Sunshine Superstar of the week has just turned six Last year we wrote about Lwandle Nkosi, a young boy with cerebral palsy. He started at our Elsburg Early Intervention Centre on the 4th of May 2016, and after being assessed by our therapists, he was placed in the Stimulation Class. This class is for …